2017 Twinkie Run 5K for ALS
Location Gallup Park Start Time 4/1/2017 9:02:10 AM
Category 5K
Distance 3.14 miles Ascend 29 feet Descend -24 feet
Total Time 00:31:13 Moving 00:31:12 Stopped 00:00:01
Average Pace 00:09:57 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:07:54 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:14:13 min/mi
Calories 427 Average HR 162 BPM Max HR 180 BPM
Weather 39 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 38.6 °F/39.6 °F; Pressure: 1020.1 mbar; Humidity: 64.1%; Dew point: 27.6 °F; Wind Speed: 2.6 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Garmin - 910XT
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Asics - DynaFlyte
Garmin - Garmin Foot Pod - New
Garmin - Garmin Heart Rate Monitor
Notes The 8th running of the annual April Fool's day 5K. I think this is my third time. Weather on the cooler side, but the grilled Twinkies were warm!
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:09:41 00:09:41 00:09:42 6.2 1.45
2.00 00:19:43 00:10:02 00:10:02 6.0 3.79
3.00 00:29:59 00:10:15 00:10:16 5.8 -4.69
3.14 00:31:13 00:01:13 00:09:01 6.7 0.99